Teaching qualification Romania

Teaching qualification Romania


Teaching Qualification in Romania – Middle and Higher School

Registrations always open

Cost of course: € 8500.00

Duration of the course: One academic year

Access Requirements: University Study Path Eligible for Teaching


Decide to do it with Anxiety Training! The FIRST training centre for developing enabling pathways, first in Spain and then in Romania.

l TAR Lazio and the Council of State with their judgments of 2020 confirm the validity of our educational/enabling path.

With Ansi Training…

  • Foreign routes recognized and compliant with the European Directive on the free movement of professions.
  • Comprehensive academic training
  • All competition classes available

Therefore, being a citizen of a Member State of the European Community gives you the freedom to move between EU states without the obligation of visas, passports and without restriction.

In fact, thanks to the Lisbon Convention,all Italian citizens also have the right to have their degree recognized throughout the European community. So this applies to:

Secondary studies

As a final secondary school title that allows a country to continue with its studies, it will therefore normally be accepted as well as by other countries as a valid title for access to the respective university systems.

Final academic titles

Given this, they can be recognised abroad for access to more advanced studies or the labour market and professions.

Professional titles (our case)

If a European citizen is fully qualified to practice a specific legal profession (nurse, physiotherapist, teacher, etc.) in his home country, others to whom he has the right to practice the same in another member country.

In fact, this means enabling abroad with the same rights as those enabled in Italy. As a result, we have selected and chosen for your education among which Romania’s most prestigious and avant-garde universities.

In recent years, a growing number of precarious teachers have chosen to enable themselves in Romania thanks to the high educational standards and low costs that this country offers.


1) Approve your degree at the Romanian Ministry of Education

2) Enroll in the “Psychopedagogy Course”

3) Finish the course and at the same time qualify for the Teacher’s Profession

4) Apply for professional recognition in Italy from the Ministry of Education

5) Participation in entry competitions

6) Entering the world of work

What we do for you

– I deal with initial paperwork

– Enrollment in the training path

– Organization of educational activities

– Dedicated teaching tutor

– Obtaining certification of foreign language

– Organization of stays (contracted agencies)

– Travel/study policies

– In-depth seminars at our locations

– Attendance claim for student workers

– Professional recognition assistance at the Ministry of Education

– Specialization of support teacher



There is a way to achieve the TFA and/or PAS abroad to be exploited in Italy, thus taking advantage of the countless advantages reserved for “qualified teachers”. Italy, as a member of the European Community, does NOT be able to refrain from applying a strong EU law, always and in any case,which in fact ranks above the regulations of individual states.

So thanks to our team of experts in international law we use one of the EU regulations adopted by the individual states of the European Community, in the same way and necessarily incorporated into the systems of individual states. Therefore, Ansi Training after a careful study of the possibilities reserved in particular to the FREE CIRCULATION OF PROFESSIONS IN COMMUNITY AMBITO (Community Directive 2005/36), in fact, realizes a valid path with the release of a title expendable in Italy . In fact, thanks to the 2005/36 European Directive, the qualification achieved in a state of the European community is also legally available at the Italian Ministry.


Given this, the foreign enabling title is similarly legally recognized, and above all the right to be included in the second tier of school and participate in the next competitions held only for the qualified.

With DM No.248 of 04/05/2015 issued by MIUR with the subject line: “UNIGRADATION OF THE SNEATE OF THE PERSONAL TEACHER”; teachers who obtain the enabling degree by 1 February and 1 August of each year can therefore register in the second tier.


In essence, the aim of this path is to offer equally complementary academic preparation to all European graduates with a four-year degree, master’s degree or master’s degree in any field of study; actually giving you the opportunity to qualify in the competition classes to which you are eligible, equally according to the ministerial parameters.

In truth, there are already numerous decrees published on the MIUR website of teachers who, through this path, similarly spend their title in Italy.


D.lgs. N. 206 of November 6, 2007 In addition to the 2005/36/CE Directive,

D.lgs. N. 15 of 28 January 2016 which adopts the 2013/55/EU Directive,

THE TAR Lazio’s FAVOREVOLE judgment, the No. 02294/2020 of 20/02/2020, on appeal proposed by our students represented and defended by lawyers Ida Tomasiello and Andrea De’ Longis

THE TAR Lazio’s FAVOREVOLE judgment, the No. 02289/2020 of 20/02/2020 , on appeal proposed by our students represented and defended by lawyers Ida Tomasiello and Andrea De’ Longis,

For more information on the support specialization click here

Fill out the contact form at the end of the page to learn more information and be contacted by our contact person

Documents for registration:
Copy ID card
Copy health card
Multilingual birth certificate
Copy in accordance with the original high school diploma with Aaja apostle
Historical certificate of university exams taken in original and for foreign use
Graduation scroll in copy conforms to the original with Aaja apostle

Frequently asked questions:

Are the securities acquired abroad valid?

All of our foreign courses are in fact held in a State of the European Community, which is therefore recognised at EU level as required by law 2005/36.

Are the courses in a foreign language?

Of course, we organize introductory language courses to access the route, and there is always a bilingual teacher available to students.

Do I have to move abroad or is the route online?

For the purpose of recognition by MIUR, it is therefore essential that the presence of the student is required for some activities, but as many activities can be carried out remotely.

The schedule of activities in attendance is agreed with the University and communicated to the candidate at the beginning of the course.


After you have paid the registration fee you are officially enrolled in the course that you will have to pay before taking the final exam


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Registrations always open

Duration of the course: one academic year

Cost of course: € 8500.00